Richest Man in the World

Amazon's Jeff Besos - The Richest Person In The World

Amazon's Jeff Besos - The Richest Person In The World

Want to know who is the richest man in the world in 2018? His name is Jeff Besos and he's gonna by the Richest man for a while... There's a big gap!

Since July 2017, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (Jeffrey Preston Bezos) surpassed Bill Gates who has a network of 95.7 billion USD and became not only the world's richest man, but the richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of 164.7 billion USD as of the writing of this article.

Related: Amazon is now worth $1,000,000,000,000 - That's One TRILLION Dollars

According to Forbes's 2018 Billionaires List, Jeff Besos was worth 112 billion USD. That's before Amazon became a Trillion dollar company.

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